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Father’s Day

Father’s Day is a complex mix of emotions for me, as it is for many of my friends. When this day arrives, I find myself reflecting on the past and feeling a blend of joy and sadness. During the first 11 years of my life, I was fortunate enough to have an incredible father who set an extraordinary example of love and care. The memories and stories I have from that time will stay with me forever, shaping who I am today.

But life took an unexpected turn, and circumstances changed. Since then, Father’s Day has taken on a different meaning. However, amidst the bittersweetness, I have had the privilege of witnessing a remarkable transformation in my husband. I’ve had a front-row seat as he blossomed into an exceptional father to our children. We embarked on this journey of parenthood at a young age, growing and learning together as we raised our kids. And now, as adults, I can proudly say that our children have grown into remarkable individuals.

As much as I miss having a father figure in my life, I am filled with profound gratitude for my mother. Words and time will never be enough to express everything about her, but for the past 39 years, she has flawlessly fulfilled the roles of both mother and father. Her unwavering love and dedication have been the foundation of our family, providing us with strength and guidance.

So, on Father’s Day, my heart carries a blend of emotions. I honor the memory of my father, cherishing the invaluable lessons he taught me. I celebrate the incredible father my husband has become, witnessing his love and devotion firsthand. And I am forever grateful for my mother, who has been both a mother and a father, filling our lives with love and care throughout the years.

Disney World 1984

Father’s Day 2023

I feel like I could say, “This year is different because…” for everything right now, so instead I’ll just share as none of our normals are in place and this new stage is creating new normals.

The kids got Jonathan a fancy Auburn shirt, so I think we all had orange and blue on our minds. Dyson had to go out of town for work, so they spent the night with us and visited Madison for morning service. I can’t tell you how great it sounded to hear the 3 gigglings & talking this morning on the porch. It took all of my reserve not to go busting up in the middle of them and just soak them all in. I think the hardest thing about an empty nest is missing the sound of life in the house. I mean, Jonathan and I make plenty of noise, but it’s nothing compared to hearing your children enjoy each other. I love that they are best friends and that Clara loves that they are best friends, and now their sisterhood has created best friends. It’s nothing but joy and I love all of it.

The new Barksdales headed back to Cullman, and the rest of the Barksdales came home to grill. Jonathan has had his Traeger for several years but seems to becoming quite the master of the grill. We enjoyed an intimate lunch on the porch with Bob, Jonathan, and Kyndal. The weather was great and it was almost perfect.

I can’t let Father’s Day go by without expressing my overflowing admiration for Jonathan. He truly is a remarkable individual. Witnessing his journey as a father has brought me immeasurable joy. This year, he was given the incredible honor of officiating Dyson and Clara’s wedding. Let me tell you, Jonathan has had countless extraordinary moments with our children. From being the first person to hold them after their C-section births, to baptizing them, and now, to uniting Dyson and Clara in marriage, he has filled these roles with utmost grace and beauty. I couldn’t be prouder of him.

We’ve faced some challenging years, but 2023 is showering us with an abundance of joy that we can barely contain. Being a part of this stage in our lives has been an absolute blessing. Through it all, Jonathan has remained steadfast and has continued to shine as an exceptional father. I am grateful for his love, dedication, and the countless ways he brings happiness into our lives. As we celebrate Father’s Day, I want to take this moment to express my deep admiration for Jonathan and the immense joy he brings to our family.

Psalms 127:3-5 Like arrows in the hands of a warrior are children born in one’s youth. Blessed is the man whose quiver is full of them.

Happy Father’s Day!